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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Cnet List

I just looked over the list and I use sooo many of those programs on my computer and my iphone everyday! Pandora, Safari, Internet Explorer, Igoogle, Etsy, Paypal, Gmail, Skype, Facebook, OpenTable, Google Calendar and About.com just to name a few. My Google Calendar is my life. It's color coded, has Jewish holidays and the Packers schedule automatically updated...LOVE IT!!!!

So I'm still playing around with our 23 Things. Today's exercise involves photo manipulation. I'm attaching two of my favorites that I did on Facebook last year with a program called "Picnic". They are of course of my horses :)
Lego, my 24 year old retired guy, is in the Valentine's picture. Duplo, the horse I sold last spring, is in the Christmas picture. I miss him :( The Christmas card image I just added the text, the colors were amazing the morning it was taken. My hairdresser also rides at the barn and her only comment when she say the picture was "good hair day" which made me laugh given that I'm in pj's, hiking boots, no helmet and almost 2 feet of snow! Hair was the LEAST of my concerns.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lots of posts today as I get into the "23 Things". Just set up my RSS feed and love the availability of current events, history and education literature all in one place. Not sure how often I'll really use it but glad to know it's there. Similar to my "igoogle" page in content...at least I'm consistent!
So, I'm on "23 Things" #7 but I'll have to wait to post on everyone's blogs. Copyright issues as an educator. Selfishly, I think teachers should have free access to any and all educational materials. But, what constitutes "educational"? It's a slippery slope. On a personal note, I have a Nook (e reader) and tried to download books this summer in Costa Rica. Turns out, no such luck because of international copyright laws. Note to self: download enough books BEFORE international travel!
SO EXCITED! New Student Open House right now and it's great to see kids unpacking their stuff into their lockers and getting settled in for the new year. My classroom is ready and I know I'll stress all weekend about all the little things but it will come together on Tuesday! What will I wear...????